“Mi-e Dor De tine” Project
“Mi-e Dor Tine” Art Installation in Canary Warf, London, UK & Cluj Napoca, Romania, 2019
It all started with an Artistic vision:
"Mi-e dor de tine" is a text light art installation made of neon tubes with a poetic meaning.
"I miss you" might be the closest adaptation for this Romanian saying, although it is difficult to find a translation for the Romanian word "dor" as it refers to a wider concept on missingness or longing, just like "Saudade" in Portuguese. In Romanian, you would usually say "Mi-e dor de tine" to a loved one, a family member or a close friend, with whom you share a personal / sentimental bond.
Romania ranks 2nd in the world after Syria in terms of population migration trends with 100.000 to 300.000 citizens leaving its borders every year searching for a better future.
The Artwork was produced by the Daisler Association for the Lights On Romania project and is now presented alongside the “Și Mie” and “Te Aștept” pieces as part of the first multi-city artwork presented in 2019, a dialogue aimed of bringing closer the Romanians working and living abroad with those that remained behind.
In 2019 “Mi-e Dor De Tine” was presented for the first time outside of Romanian borders, in Canary Wharf, London, as part of a joint project between Lights On Romania and Canary Wharf Winter Lights. The presentation attracted international media coverage because the artwork gained instant online visibility with more than 100.000 instagram and facebook posts.
It was featured in Romanian national press and also British press. People reading about the dialogue between the light artworks said it was emotional, unique, touching.
Lights On Romania is an emerging light art festival established in Cluj-Napoca that showcases a compelling mix of local artists and mesmerizing international artworks. Driven by curiosity and experimentation, the event has a strong educational component, promoting the public space as a temporary gallery for the local communities.
Mi-e Dor De tine in Washington, DC in 2022
The art work will be installed in Chicago, on Chicago River, between November 2021 and the beginning of January, 2022. Afterwards we wish to bring the installation in DC.
Technical Details:
“Mi-e Dor De Tine’ Technical Details
13 mm single tube 12 mm 6400 white
Neon letters are approximately 4’ high x 30’ wide
Neon is mounted to an aluminum 1” tube welded frame
All materials & construction as per U.L. National Standard Sign Code 48.
The artwork needs to be placed outside human reach (bridge or building wall recommended).
A two person team will travel to secure rigging or local teams will be contracted.
The artwork consists of 4 metal plates with neon lettering fitted on each plate, and the plates connected between them.
The artwork needs a 110 V power supply (US standard).
The artwork can withstand high winds (80 km/h), rain or snow, direct sunlight, frost/defrost effect because it was built for outdoor exhibitions. There will always be a duplicate artwork sent just to make sure that spare letters are available.
While the “Mi-e Dor De Tine Artwork”will be on display, the counter part “Și Mie” will also be visible in a location in Romania. That is mandatory for the project
to work.