Romanian At Heart at Artomatic 2017

March 24 to May 6; Artomatic Crystal City, 1800 S Bell St, 9th Floor, Arlington, VA 22202, USA

This exhibit brings together Romanian-born artists based in Washington DC area and New York. The unique collection, curated by Daniela Kammrath, weaves together the Romanian spirit and the American experiences of the seven-featured artists: Sonia Coman Ernstoff, Pandi Dacu (debut), Doina Dascalu (debut), Andreia Gliga, Cristian Ianculescu, Michelle Marin (debut), Alin Tolea.

From left to right: Michelle Marin, Daniela Kammrath, Sonia Coman-Ernstoff, Cristian Ianculescu, Doina Dascalu, Andreia Gliga, Pandi Dacu. Photo: Camelia Peck

From left to right: Michelle Marin, Daniela Kammrath, Sonia Coman-Ernstoff, Cristian Ianculescu, Doina Dascalu, Andreia Gliga, Pandi Dacu. Photo: Camelia Peck


The work of each artist recalls memories of Romania.  Sonia Coman’s NY cats remind of summer evenings in the Armenian and Jewish quarters in Bucharest.  Andreia Gliga brings the feeling of her native land Bucovina, and legendary Voronet Monastery in Moldova, build by Stefan The Great in the 15th century. Michelle Marin’s golden colors of fall recall Transylvania, its luscious fields of flowers, and majestic Saxon churches and castles.  Cristian Ianculescu’s vivid portraits of Romanians are overwhelming, especially the gipsy accordion player that makes the delight of traditional Romanian weddings; it is like I can hear him playing.  Pandi Dacu’s work evokes hot summer days in the fields of Baragan with its beautiful southern Romanian traditional water well, and fall in the sub Carpathian forests of birch trees. Doina Dascalu’s photography captures light and shadows so crisply and beautifully. The sunset one makes me travel back to my student years summer camp in Costinesti, by the Black Sea.  Alin Tolea’s fascination with stars makes me long for nights in Retezat Reservation, in Carpathians, laying on the ground with friends and playing with my Skyview mobile app to discover new constellations.

It has been a joy and a privilege to work with all these Romanian artists to bring to Artomatic this special collection of emotions and feelings that takes us travelling through America and Romania, at the same time.

Visit the exhibit, take pictures, share them with your friends. Tell us how you liked it.

Daniela Kammrath


Romanian At Heart exhibit @Artomatic

Location: Crystal City, 1800 S Bell St, 9th floor, Arlington, VA 22202, USA.

When: March 24 to May 6;

Wednesday & Thursday between noon and 10 pm;

Friday & Saturday between noon and midnight; Sunday between noon and 8 pm.